How To Register .international Domain

Registering a domain name is an important step in establishing your online presence. Whether you’re launching a business website, creating a personal blog, or developing an online portfolio, securing the right domain name sets the foundation for your digital identity.

When it comes to choosing a domain extension, .international has emerged as a popular choice for businesses and individuals looking to reach a global audience. Its versatility and universal appeal make it an attractive option for those seeking to establish an international presence online.

If you’re considering registering a .international domain, this guide will walk you through the process, from selecting a reputable domain registrar to configuring your domain settings. By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to securing your ideal .international domain name.

What is a .international Domain?

A .international domain is a generic top-level domain (gTLD) designed for businesses, organizations, and individuals with a global presence or international focus. It provides a flexible and universal domain extension that transcends geographical boundaries, making it suitable for a wide range of industries and purposes.

Here are some key points about .international domains:

  • Global reach: .international domains are not tied to any specific country or region, making them ideal for businesses and organizations operating on an international scale. They convey a sense of global presence and can help attract audiences from around the world.
  • Versatility: .international domains are suitable for a diverse array of industries, including travel, diplomacy, hospitality, e-commerce, education, and more. They can be used for corporate websites, online stores, blogs, portfolios, and other digital platforms with an international focus.
  • Memorability: The .international extension is descriptive and memorable, making it easier for people to associate your domain name with your brand’s international identity. It can help your website stand out from competitors using more generic extensions like .com or .net.
  • SEO-friendly: Search engines treat all gTLDs equally, so using a .international domain will not negatively impact your search engine rankings. In fact, having a relevant and descriptive domain extension can potentially enhance your website’s visibility in search results.
  • Availability: As a relatively new gTLD, .international domains offer a wider pool of available domain names compared to more saturated extensions like .com. This means you have a better chance of securing your desired domain name without having to resort to lengthy or complicated alternatives.

When choosing a .international domain, consider your brand identity, target audience, and online goals. A well-chosen .international domain can help reinforce your international presence, build trust with your audience, and create a memorable online identity.

Why Register a .international Domain?

Registering a .international domain offers several compelling benefits for businesses and individuals seeking to establish a strong online presence in the global marketplace:

  • Global branding: A .international domain effectively communicates your brand’s international focus and ambitions. It signals to potential customers, partners, and investors that your business operates on a global scale and is ready to serve an international audience.
  • Increased credibility: Opting for a .international domain can enhance your brand’s credibility and professionalism. It demonstrates your commitment to expanding your reach beyond local or national boundaries and positions your business as a serious player in the international arena.
  • Competitive advantage: With the increasing saturation of traditional domain extensions like .com, a .international domain can help your business stand out from competitors. It offers a unique and memorable online identity that sets you apart and makes your brand more easily discoverable in search results.
  • Targeted marketing: A .international domain can be particularly effective for businesses targeting specific international markets or customer segments. It allows you to create targeted marketing campaigns and tailor your online presence to resonate with your desired audience, increasing the likelihood of engagement and conversions.
  • Future-proofing: As the internet continues to evolve and new opportunities emerge in the global marketplace, a .international domain positions your business for future growth and expansion. It provides a solid foundation for your online presence, ensuring that you’re ready to seize new opportunities and adapt to changing market dynamics.

Where Can You Register a .international Domain?

When it comes to registering a .international domain, you have several options available. Many domain registrars and web hosting providers offer .international domain registration services, making it easy for you to secure your desired domain name.

Some popular domain registrars that offer .international domains include:

  • GoDaddy: As one of the largest domain registrars, GoDaddy provides a user-friendly interface for searching and registering .international domains. They also offer additional services like web hosting and SSL certificates.
  • Namecheap: Known for its competitive pricing and reliable service, Namecheap allows you to register .international domains quickly and easily. They provide a range of domain management tools and support options.
  • Google Domains: Google’s domain registration service offers a simple and streamlined process for registering .international domains. With Google Domains, you can manage your domain settings, configure DNS records, and set up email forwarding.

In addition to these registrars, many web hosting providers, such as Bluehost, HostGator, and SiteGround, also offer .international domain registration as part of their hosting packages. This can be a convenient option if you plan to host your website with the same provider.

When choosing a domain registrar or web hosting provider for your .international domain, consider factors such as pricing, customer support, domain management tools, and additional services that may benefit your online presence. Reading reviews and comparing options will help you make an informed decision that aligns with your specific needs and budget.

How to Register a .international Domain

Registering a .international domain is a straightforward process that you can complete in a few simple steps. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Choose a Domain Registrar
  2. Search for Your Desired .international Domain Name
  3. Select Your Domain Registration Period
  4. Provide Your Contact and Billing Information
  5. Complete the Payment Process
  6. Verify Your Domain Ownership
  7. Configure Your .international Domain Settings

1. Choose a Domain Registrar

The first step in registering a .international domain is selecting a domain registrar. A domain registrar is a company that manages the reservation of internet domain names. They provide the tools and services needed to register, manage, and renew domain names.

When choosing a domain registrar for your .international domain, consider the following factors:

  • Pricing: Compare the pricing of different domain registrars for .international domains. Look for any additional fees or charges beyond the base domain registration price, such as privacy protection or domain renewal costs.
  • Reputation and reliability: Research the reputation and reliability of the domain registrar. Look for user reviews, testimonials, and industry ratings to gauge their track record in providing quality service and support.
  • Domain management tools: Evaluate the domain management tools provided by the registrar. Look for features such as easy-to-use control panels, DNS management, domain forwarding, and email setup. These tools will help you manage your .international domain effectively.
  • Customer support: Consider the level of customer support offered by the domain registrar. Check if they provide multiple support channels, such as live chat, email, or phone support. Responsive and helpful customer support can be invaluable when you need assistance with your .international domain.
  • Additional services: Some domain registrars offer additional services like web hosting, SSL certificates, and email hosting. If you need these services, consider choosing a registrar that provides them as part of a bundled package. This can simplify your online presence management and potentially save you money.

2. Search for Your Desired .international Domain Name

Once you’ve chosen a domain registrar, the next step is to search for your desired .international domain name. Most registrars provide a user-friendly domain search tool on their website, allowing you to quickly check the availability of your preferred domain name.

Here’s how to search for your .international domain name:

  1. Visit your chosen registrar’s website and locate the domain search tool, usually prominently displayed on the homepage.
  2. Enter your desired .international domain name in the search field. For example, if you want to register “”, type that into the search box.
  3. Click the search button or press Enter to initiate the domain search.

The registrar’s system will then check the availability of your requested domain name. If the domain is available, you’ll see a confirmation message indicating that you can proceed with the registration process.

However, if your desired .international domain name is already taken, the registrar will typically suggest alternative options. These may include slight variations of your original domain name or different domain extensions that are still available.

When considering alternative domain names, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Keep it short and memorable: Aim for a concise and easy-to-remember domain name that accurately represents your brand or business.
  • Avoid hyphens and numbers: Hyphens and numbers can make your domain name harder to remember and type correctly. Stick with letters whenever possible.
  • Consider your target audience: Choose a domain name that resonates with your target audience and aligns with their expectations and preferences.
  • Think long-term: Select a domain name that can grow with your business and adapt to potential future changes in your brand or offerings.

If you’re having trouble finding an available .international domain name that meets your criteria, you may need to get creative or consider alternative domain extensions. Keep brainstorming and experimenting with different combinations until you find a domain name that works for your business.

3. Select Your Domain Registration Period

When registering your .international domain, you’ll need to choose the length of your registration period. Domain registrars typically offer registration periods ranging from one to ten years. Consider the following when selecting your registration period:

  • Budget: Longer registration periods require a higher upfront cost but can provide better value in the long run. If you have the budget available, opting for a longer registration period can save you money compared to renewing your domain annually.
  • Long-term planning: If you have a clear long-term vision for your website and business, securing your .international domain for an extended period ensures that it remains in your possession. This prevents others from registering your domain if you forget to renew it.
  • SEO benefits: Search engines may view websites with longer domain registration periods as more established and trustworthy. While not a significant ranking factor, a longer registration period can provide a small SEO advantage.
  • Renewal reminders: Regardless of your chosen registration period, most domain registrars send renewal reminders via email as your expiration date approaches. However, setting a longer registration period reduces the frequency of these reminders and the risk of accidentally letting your domain expire.

Keep in mind that you can always renew your .international domain before its expiration date, extending your registration period. Most registrars offer auto-renewal options to ensure your domain remains secure without requiring manual intervention.

Ultimately, the length of your domain registration period depends on your specific needs, budget, and long-term goals. Carefully consider these factors when making your decision, and remember that you can always adjust your registration period in the future if needed.

4. Provide Your Contact and Billing Information

After selecting your domain registration period, you’ll need to provide your contact and billing information to complete the registration process. This step is crucial for establishing domain ownership and ensuring that you can manage your .international domain effectively.

When providing your contact information, consider the following:

  • Accuracy: Ensure that all the information you provide is accurate and up-to-date. This includes your name, email address, physical address, and phone number. Inaccurate information can lead to issues with domain ownership and management.
  • Privacy protection: Some domain registrars offer privacy protection services that hide your personal information from public WHOIS databases. If you prefer to keep your personal details private, consider opting for this additional service.
  • Email address: Provide a valid email address that you regularly access. This email address will be used for important communications regarding your domain, such as renewal reminders and account notifications.

Next, you’ll need to provide your billing information to pay for your domain registration. Most domain registrars accept major credit cards and PayPal as payment methods. Ensure that your billing information is accurate and up-to-date to avoid any issues with payment processing.

5. Complete the Payment Process

Once you’ve provided your contact and billing information, it’s time to complete the payment process and finalize your .international domain registration. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Review your domain registration details: Before proceeding with the payment, carefully review all the information you’ve provided, including your domain name, registration period, contact details, and billing information. Double-check for any errors or typos to ensure accuracy.
  2. Proceed with the payment: After confirming that all the details are correct, click the appropriate button or link to initiate the payment process. This may be labeled as “Complete Purchase,” “Submit Order,” or something similar, depending on the domain registrar.
  3. Choose a secure payment method: Select your preferred payment method from the available options, such as credit card or PayPal. Make sure to use a secure payment method to protect your financial information. Look for indicators of a secure connection, such as a padlock icon in your browser’s address bar or “https” at the beginning of the URL.
  4. Enter your payment details: Provide the necessary payment information, such as your credit card number, expiration date, and security code, or log in to your PayPal account. Double-check your payment details before submitting to avoid any processing issues.
  5. Complete the transaction: Once you’ve entered your payment information, click the final confirmation button to complete the transaction. You may be asked to agree to the registrar’s terms of service before finalizing the payment.

After completing the payment, you should receive a confirmation email from your domain registrar with details about your .international domain registration. This email will serve as a record of your purchase and may include important information about managing your domain in the future.

6. Verify Your Domain Ownership

After completing your .international domain registration, keep an eye out for a verification email from your registrar. This email serves as an important step in confirming your domain ownership and activating your newly registered .international domain.

The verification process typically involves the following steps:

  1. Check your email inbox: Shortly after completing your registration, you should receive an email from your domain registrar. This email will contain instructions on verifying your domain ownership. If you don’t see the email in your inbox, check your spam or junk folder, as it may have been filtered there.
  2. Click the verification link: Within the email, you’ll find a unique verification link. Click on this link to initiate the verification process. Alternatively, some registrars may require you to copy and paste the link into your web browser’s address bar.
  3. Confirm your domain ownership: Upon clicking the verification link, you’ll be directed to a confirmation page or prompted to log in to your domain registrar account. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the verification process and confirm your ownership of the .international domain.
  4. Activate your domain: Once you’ve successfully verified your domain ownership, your .international domain will be activated and ready for use. You can now proceed with configuring your domain settings, such as pointing it to your website or setting up email accounts.

It’s crucial to complete the domain ownership verification process promptly. Most registrars set a time limit for verification, usually ranging from 24 to 72 hours. Failure to verify your domain ownership within this timeframe may result in your domain registration being suspended or canceled.

If you encounter any issues during the verification process or don’t receive the verification email, contact your domain registrar’s customer support team for assistance. They can help you troubleshoot any problems and ensure that your .international domain is properly verified and activated.

7. Configure Your .international Domain Settings

Once your .international domain ownership is verified and the domain is active, log in to your registrar’s domain management dashboard. From there, you can configure your domain settings to ensure it functions as intended. Here’s what you’ll need to do:

Update DNS Records

  • DNS (Domain Name System) records direct internet traffic to your website and email servers. Update your domain’s DNS records to point to your web hosting provider’s servers or your own server’s IP address.
  • Common DNS records include A records (pointing to your website), MX records (directing email traffic), and CNAME records (connecting subdomains or services).

Set Up Email Accounts

  • Create email accounts associated with your .international domain, such as or, to establish a professional presence and improve communication with your audience.
  • Configure email forwarding to send emails from your domain-specific addresses to your existing email account for centralized management.

Connect Your Domain to Your Website

  • Link your .international domain to your website by updating your domain’s DNS settings and configuring your web hosting account to recognize your domain.
  • Install an SSL certificate to secure your website and enable HTTPS, ensuring a safe browsing experience for your visitors and improving your search engine rankings.

After configuring your .international domain settings, test your website and email accounts to ensure they function properly. Regularly check your domain management dashboard for any necessary updates or renewals to keep your .international domain active and in good standing.

Tips for Choosing the Right .international Domain Name

Selecting the perfect .international domain name involves more than just finding an available name. It means picking a name that embodies your brand while being accessible to your global audience. Here are some strategies to help you choose wisely:

  • Reflect your brand: Your domain name should closely align with your brand name or the services you offer. This alignment aids in brand recall and enhances your credibility online.
  • Easy to remember: Choose a domain that is easy to pronounce and spell. This makes it more likely for visitors to remember and return to your site or recommend it to others.
  • Shorter is better: Aim for brevity with your domain name. Shorter names are quicker to type, fit better on business cards, and are less prone to typos.
  • Avoid special characters: Stick to letters and avoid using hyphens, underscores, or numbers unless they are a part of your brand. This reduces confusion when sharing your domain verbally.
  • Think globally: Consider how your domain name translates in different languages and cultures to ensure it is appropriate and doesn’t carry unintended meanings.

Frequently Asked Questions About .international Domain Registration

When it comes to registering a .international domain, you might have a few questions. Here are some common inquiries:

Can anyone register a .international domain?

  • Open registration: Yes, there are no restrictions on who can register a .international domain, making it an excellent choice for entities looking to establish a global presence.

How much does a .international domain cost?

  • Varies by registrar: The cost of a .international domain can vary depending on the registrar you choose. HostPapa offers competitive pricing and includes additional services to give you the best value.

Can I transfer my existing domain to a .international extension?

  • Transfer possible: Yes, you can transfer your existing domain to a .international extension. The process is straightforward and ensures you don’t lose your site’s existing traffic or SEO ranking.

Final Thoughts

Registering a .international domain is a significant step towards establishing a global online presence. It not only highlights your international focus but also opens doors to worldwide opportunities. With HostPapa, you get more than just a domain registration; you gain access to a suite of services designed to make your online journey successful. From web hosting to enterprise-grade email solutions, we provide everything you need to take your business global.

Take your business online with a brand-new domain name!

Last modified on: June 28th, 2024

Categorized as Domain Names

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