How To Register .jp Domain

Registering a .jp domain establishes your business’s online presence in Japan. It instills trust in your Japanese audience and boosts your local search engine rankings.

In 2024, the .jp domain remains the preferred choice for businesses targeting Japanese customers. Registering one requires meeting certain requirements and following a straightforward process.

This guide walks you through the steps to successfully register and set up your .jp domain. By the end, you’ll have a strong foundation for your online presence in Japan.

What is a .jp Domain?

A .jp domain is the country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Japan. Websites registered with a .jp extension are associated with Japan, indicating the site’s focus on the Japanese market.

Registering a .jp domain:

  • Shows commitment to your Japanese audience: A .jp domain signals that your website is specifically designed for visitors from Japan. It demonstrates your dedication to serving the Japanese market and can increase trust among your target audience.
  • Improves local search rankings: Search engines like Google often give preference to local domains in their search results. By having a .jp domain, your website is more likely to rank higher for searches originating from Japan, making it easier for potential customers to find you.
  • Protects your brand in Japan: Registering your brand name as a .jp domain prevents others from using it and potentially damaging your reputation or confusing your customers in the Japanese market.

To register a .jp domain, you must meet certain requirements, such as having a local presence in Japan. The registration process involves choosing an accredited registrar, searching for available domain names, and providing the necessary documentation and payment.

Why Register a .jp Domain?

  • Establish your brand’s presence in Japan: A .jp domain demonstrates your commitment to serving Japanese customers. It shows that you’ve taken the extra step to create a website specifically tailored to their needs and preferences.
  • Build trust with Japanese customers: Japanese consumers tend to prefer local businesses and websites. Having a .jp domain can increase their confidence in your brand, as it indicates you have a presence in Japan and understand the local market.
  • Improve search engine rankings: Search engines like Google often prioritize local domains in their search results for users in that country. Registering a .jp domain can boost your visibility in search results for Japanese users, making it easier for potential customers to find your website.
  • Protect your brand: By registering your brand name as a .jp domain, you prevent competitors or cybersquatters from using it and potentially damaging your reputation or confusing your customers in the Japanese market.
  • Enhance your professional image: A .jp domain can make your business appear more professional and established in the eyes of Japanese customers. It shows that you’re serious about doing business in Japan and have taken the necessary steps to set up a local presence.

How to Register a .jp Domain

Registering a .jp domain involves several steps to ensure you meet the requirements and set up your domain correctly.

  1. Check .jp Domain Requirements
  2. Choose a Domain Registrar
  3. Search for Available .jp Domains
  4. Register Your .jp Domain
  5. Configure DNS for Your .jp Domain

1. Check .jp Domain Requirements

Before registering a .jp domain, you must meet certain requirements set by the Japan Registry Services (JPRS).

  • Local presence in Japan: You need a physical address in Japan, such as a registered business address, to register a .jp domain. This ensures that the domain is associated with a Japanese entity.
  • Documentation: To prove your local presence, you must provide necessary documentation to the registrar. This may include a certificate of registration, a business license, or other official documents that confirm your address in Japan.
  • Domain name criteria: Your chosen domain name must adhere to specific rules set by the JPRS. It should be between 3 and 63 characters long and cannot contain hyphens or special characters. The domain name must also be available and not infringe on any existing trademarks.
  • Administrative contact: You need to appoint an administrative contact who is a resident of Japan. This person will be responsible for managing the domain and communicating with the registrar on your behalf.

Familiarize yourself with these requirements and gather the necessary documentation before proceeding with the registration process. This will help ensure a smooth and successful registration of your .jp domain.

2. Choose a Domain Registrar

Selecting the right domain registrar is the next step in registering your .jp domain. Look for a registrar that is accredited by both ICANN and JPRS to ensure they adhere to industry standards and best practices.

When comparing registrars, consider factors such as:

  • Pricing: While cost shouldn’t be the only factor, look for competitive pricing that fits your budget. Some registrars may offer promotions or discounts for multi-year registrations.
  • Included services: Check what additional services the registrar provides, such as DNS management, email forwarding, and domain privacy protection. These can add value to your registration and make managing your domain easier.
  • Customer support: Choose a registrar with reliable and responsive customer support. Look for options like 24/7 live chat, phone support, and a comprehensive knowledge base to help you troubleshoot any issues that may arise.

Ensure the registrar you choose supports .jp ccTLD registration. Not all registrars offer this service, so it’s important to verify before proceeding.

A reputable registrar will have a user-friendly interface for searching, registering, and managing your domain. They should also provide clear instructions and documentation to guide you through the process.

3. Search for Available .jp Domains

Once you’ve chosen an accredited registrar, it’s time to search for your ideal .jp domain name. Your registrar will provide a domain search tool that allows you to check the availability of your desired domain name.

Choosing the Right Domain Name

When selecting your .jp domain name, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Include relevant keywords: Incorporating relevant keywords in your domain name can help improve your website’s search engine rankings and make it easier for potential customers to find you. For example, if you’re a Tokyo-based sushi restaurant, a domain name like “” could be effective.
  • Keep it short and memorable: A concise and easy-to-remember domain name makes it easier for people to find and return to your website. Aim for a domain name that’s easy to spell and pronounce, without hyphens or numbers.
  • Consider your brand: If you have an established brand name, try to secure a .jp domain that matches or closely resembles it. This helps maintain consistency and reinforces your brand identity in the Japanese market.
  • Avoid trademark infringement: Before finalizing your domain name choice, ensure that it doesn’t infringe on any existing trademarks. Conduct a thorough search to avoid potential legal issues down the line.

Checking Domain Availability

Using your registrar’s domain search tool, enter your desired domain name and check its availability. If the domain is already registered, the tool will suggest alternative options or variations you can consider.

Don’t get discouraged if your first choice isn’t available. Get creative and brainstorm alternative domain names that still represent your brand and are easy to remember.

Once you’ve found an available .jp domain that meets your criteria, proceed to the registration process to secure it before someone else does.

4. Register Your .jp Domain

Once you’ve found an available .jp domain name that meets your requirements, it’s time to complete the registration process.

Provide Registrant Contact Details and Documentation

Fill out the registration form with accurate contact information for the domain registrant. This includes your name, physical address in Japan, email address, and phone number.

You’ll also need to submit the required documentation to prove your local presence in Japan. This may include a copy of your business registration certificate, a utility bill, or other official documents that verify your Japanese address.

Double-check that all information is accurate and up-to-date before submitting the form.

Select Registration Period

Choose the length of time you want to register your .jp domain. Most registrars offer registration periods ranging from one to ten years.

Consider your long-term plans when selecting the registration period. While a longer registration may have a higher upfront cost, it can save you time and money in the long run by avoiding the need for frequent renewals.

Keep in mind that .jp domains are registered on a yearly basis, so you’ll need to renew your domain before its expiration date to maintain ownership.

Complete Payment

Review your registration details and proceed to the payment page. Most registrars accept major credit cards and PayPal for domain registration fees.

Confirm that the billing information is correct and submit your payment. Once the payment is processed, your .jp domain registration will be complete.

You’ll receive a confirmation email from your registrar with details about your new domain, including the registration period and expiration date. Keep this information in a safe place for future reference.

5. Configure DNS for Your .jp Domain

With your .jp domain registered, the final step is to configure its Domain Name System (DNS) settings. DNS is like a phonebook that translates your domain name into the IP address of your website’s hosting server.

Point Your Domain to Your Website’s Hosting

  • Log in to your domain registrar’s control panel and locate the DNS management section
  • Add an A record that points your domain to the IP address of your web hosting server
  • If you’re using a website builder or content management system (CMS), they may provide specific nameservers to use instead of an IP address

Set Up Email with Your Custom .jp Address

  • Create an MX record in your DNS settings to route email to your chosen email hosting provider
  • Configure your email client or webmail interface to send and receive emails using your custom .jp email address
  • Verify that your email is functioning correctly by sending a test message to and from your new address

Allow Time for DNS Propagation

  • DNS changes can take up to 48 hours to propagate globally, although it often happens much faster
  • During this propagation period, your website and email may be intermittently accessible
  • Avoid making further DNS changes during propagation to prevent confusion and extended downtime

Once your DNS settings are configured and propagated, your .jp domain will be fully functional. Visitors will be able to access your website and send emails to your custom .jp email address.

Remember to keep your domain registration and DNS settings up to date to maintain uninterrupted service. Set reminders for your domain renewal and regularly check that your DNS records are accurate.

Tips for Choosing a .jp Domain Name

Selecting the right .jp domain name lays a solid foundation for your online presence in Japan. It’s not just about finding a name that’s available; it’s about choosing one that will resonate with your audience and support your brand’s goals.

  • Reflect Your Brand: Your domain name should mirror your business name or the core service you offer. This alignment helps reinforce your brand identity and makes it easier for customers to remember and find you online.
  • Include Local Terms: If relevant, incorporating Japanese terms or locations into your domain can increase relevance and appeal to your local audience. This strategy can also improve your visibility in search engine results for local queries.
  • Prioritize .jp Extension: While there are various domain extensions available, a .jp extension is the gold standard for businesses targeting the Japanese market. It communicates a clear commitment to serving customers in Japan.

Frequently Asked Questions About .jp Domains

Navigating the process of registering a .jp domain can bring up several questions, especially for businesses new to the Japanese market. Here are answers to some common queries:

Is a local contact required to register a .jp domain?

Yes, registering a .jp domain requires a local contact in Japan. This stipulation ensures that the domain has a legitimate connection to the country. If you don’t have a physical presence in Japan, some registrars offer services to act as your local contact.

What happens if my desired .jp domain is already taken?

If your preferred domain name is unavailable, consider variations or alternative names that still convey your brand message. Creative thinking and flexibility can lead to a domain name that’s even better than your original choice.

Can I protect my .jp domain name?

Absolutely, registering your domain as soon as you settle on a name is the best protection. Additionally, register variations of your domain name to prevent others from using similar names that could confuse your customers.

Maximizing Your .jp Domain’s Potential

After successfully registering your .jp domain, it’s time to build and optimize your website to serve your Japanese audience effectively.

  • Focus on Local SEO: Optimize your website content for the Japanese market, including local keywords, to improve your visibility in local search results.
  • Cultural Considerations: Ensure your website’s design, imagery, and content are culturally appropriate and appealing to Japanese consumers.
  • Mobile Optimization: With a high rate of mobile internet usage in Japan, make sure your website is fully responsive and offers a seamless experience on smartphones and tablets.

HostPapa: Your Partner in Reaching the Japanese Market

Navigating the .jp domain registration process and establishing a strong online presence in Japan might seem daunting, but you don’t have to do it alone. HostPapa specializes in helping businesses like yours take the leap into the Japanese market with confidence. Our comprehensive domain registration services, combined with powerful hosting solutions and expert support, ensure you have all the tools you need to succeed online.

Take your business online with a brand new domain name!

Last modified on: June 28th, 2024

Categorized as Domain Names

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