Best Ecommerce Platform for Nonprofits

Choosing the best ecommerce platform for your nonprofit can be a daunting task. With so many options available, it’s important to consider your organization’s specific needs and goals.

In this article, we’ll explore some of the top ecommerce platforms for nonprofits, including their features, pricing, and suitability for different types of organizations.

By the end of this guide, you’ll have a better understanding of which platform might be the best fit for your nonprofit’s online store.


WooCommerce is an open-source ecommerce platform built on WordPress, making it a popular choice for nonprofits already using WordPress for their website. As an open-source solution, WooCommerce is highly customizable, with an extensive library of plugins and themes to tailor your online store to your specific needs.

One of the key advantages of WooCommerce for nonprofits is its ability to integrate with various donation and fundraising plugins. These extensions allow you to accept donations, create fundraising campaigns, and manage your supporters directly through your ecommerce platform.

Some notable features and benefits of WooCommerce for nonprofits include:

  • Flexibility and customization: WooCommerce’s open-source nature and vast plugin library enable you to create a unique online store that aligns with your nonprofit’s branding and mission.
  • Integration with WordPress: If your nonprofit already uses WordPress for its website, integrating WooCommerce is a seamless process, allowing you to manage your content and online store from a single platform.
  • Donation and fundraising features: WooCommerce offers a range of extensions specifically designed for nonprofits, such as donation plugins, fundraising campaign tools, and membership management solutions.
  • Large community support: As one of the most popular ecommerce platforms, WooCommerce has a thriving community of developers, users, and experts who can provide support, guidance, and resources for your nonprofit’s online store.


Shopify is a popular all-in-one hosted ecommerce platform that caters to the needs of nonprofits. With its user-friendly interface and straightforward setup process, you can quickly create an online store that aligns with your organization’s mission and branding.

One of the standout features of Shopify for nonprofits is its discounted monthly plans. By providing reduced pricing, Shopify makes it more accessible for organizations with limited budgets to establish a professional online presence and start selling products or accepting donations.

Shopify seamlessly integrates with various nonprofit tools and payment processors, allowing you to streamline your operations and maximize your fundraising efforts. From donation apps to membership management solutions, Shopify’s app marketplace offers a wide range of extensions specifically designed for nonprofits.

In addition to its robust features and integrations, Shopify provides 24/7 customer support. This means that whenever you encounter a challenge or have a question about your online store, you can reach out to Shopify’s knowledgeable support team for assistance, ensuring that your nonprofit’s ecommerce platform runs smoothly at all times.

  • Ease of use: Shopify’s intuitive interface and setup wizard make it simple for nonprofits to create and manage their online store, even without extensive technical expertise.
  • Nonprofit discount: Shopify offers a discount on its monthly plans for eligible nonprofit organizations, making it more affordable to establish and maintain an online presence.
  • Extensive app ecosystem: Shopify’s app marketplace features a wide range of extensions and integrations tailored to the needs of nonprofits, including donation tools, membership management solutions, and marketing automation apps.


BigCommerce is an enterprise-level ecommerce platform that offers a comprehensive set of features and tools for nonprofits looking to scale their online presence. With its flexible APIs and extensive customization options, BigCommerce enables you to create a unique and powerful online store that meets your organization’s specific requirements.

One of the key advantages of BigCommerce for nonprofits is its built-in SEO optimization tools. By ensuring that your online store follows best practices for search engine optimization, BigCommerce helps improve your visibility in search results, making it easier for potential supporters to find and engage with your organization.

BigCommerce also offers a range of features designed to enhance the user experience and drive conversions. From abandoned cart recovery to personalized product recommendations, these tools help you maximize the impact of your nonprofit’s online store and encourage visitors to support your cause.

  • Scalability: BigCommerce’s enterprise-grade infrastructure and flexible APIs enable nonprofits to scale their online presence as their organization grows, without the need for significant technical resources.
  • SEO optimization: With built-in SEO tools and best practices, BigCommerce helps improve your nonprofit’s visibility in search engine results, making it easier for potential supporters to find and engage with your organization.
  • Conversion optimization features: BigCommerce offers a range of tools designed to enhance the user experience and drive conversions, such as abandoned cart recovery, personalized product recommendations, and streamlined checkout processes.

Wild Apricot

Wild Apricot is an all-in-one membership management software that offers built-in eCommerce features, making it an ideal choice for nonprofits, associations, and clubs looking to streamline their online presence and fundraising efforts.

Designed specifically with nonprofits in mind, Wild Apricot provides a comprehensive set of tools to help you manage your organization’s members, events, donations, and communications. The platform’s intuitive drag-and-drop website builder allows you to create a professional-looking website without needing extensive technical expertise.

Some of the key features and benefits of Wild Apricot for nonprofits include:

  • Event registration and management: Wild Apricot’s robust event management tools enable you to create and promote events, accept registrations, and manage attendees all from a single platform.
  • Donation management: With Wild Apricot, you can easily accept and track donations, generate tax receipts, and manage your donors’ information, helping you cultivate long-lasting relationships with your supporters.
  • Email marketing and communication: Wild Apricot’s built-in email marketing tools allow you to create and send targeted email campaigns, newsletters, and automated messages to your members and supporters, keeping them engaged and informed about your organization’s activities and initiatives.
  • Affordable pricing: Wild Apricot offers pricing plans based on the number of contacts in your database, making it an affordable option for nonprofits of all sizes. As your organization grows, you can easily upgrade to a higher-tier plan to accommodate your expanding needs.

By combining membership management, event registration, donation processing, and email marketing capabilities in a single platform, Wild Apricot simplifies your nonprofit’s operations and helps you focus on achieving your mission.

Magento Commerce

Magento Commerce is an enterprise-level ecommerce platform that offers a high degree of scalability and customization options for nonprofits with complex needs. This platform provides advanced features such as multi-store functionality, customer segmentation, and a robust set of marketing tools to help you maximize your online fundraising efforts.

One of the standout features of Magento Commerce is its extensive marketplace of extensions and themes. This ecosystem allows you to extend the functionality of your online store and tailor its appearance to align with your nonprofit’s branding and mission. From donation management tools to membership extensions, Magento’s marketplace offers a wide range of solutions specifically designed for nonprofits.

  • Scalability: Magento Commerce’s architecture is built to handle high volumes of traffic and transactions, ensuring that your nonprofit’s online store can grow with your organization without compromising performance.
  • Customization options: With its flexible architecture and open-source core, Magento Commerce enables you to customize nearly every aspect of your online store, from the user experience to the backend functionality, to meet your nonprofit’s unique requirements.
  • Advanced features: Magento Commerce offers a suite of advanced features, such as multi-store functionality, customer segmentation, and personalized product recommendations, empowering you to create targeted campaigns and optimize your fundraising efforts.

It’s important to note that due to its advanced capabilities, Magento Commerce may require more technical expertise to set up and maintain compared to other ecommerce platforms. However, if your nonprofit has the resources and technical skills available, Magento Commerce can provide a powerful and flexible foundation for your online fundraising initiatives.

Selecting the Right Ecommerce Platform for Your Nonprofit

When choosing an ecommerce platform for your nonprofit, it’s essential to consider factors such as ease of use, customization options, security, and pricing. Look for platforms that offer features specifically tailored to nonprofits, such as donation management, fundraising campaign tools, and membership management solutions.

It’s also important to evaluate the level of support and resources available from the platform provider. Opt for platforms with extensive knowledge bases, active user communities, and responsive customer support to ensure that you have the guidance and assistance you need as you build and manage your online store.

  • Scalability matters: As your nonprofit grows, your ecommerce platform should be able to scale with you. Consider platforms that offer flexible plans and the ability to accommodate increasing traffic and transactions without compromising performance.
  • Integrations and customization: Look for platforms that offer a wide range of integrations with third-party tools and services, such as email marketing platforms, social media networks, and analytics tools. The ability to customize your online store’s appearance and functionality is also crucial to ensure that it aligns with your nonprofit’s branding and mission.
  • Payment processing and security: Ensure that the platform you choose supports multiple payment gateways and provides secure transaction processing. Look for platforms that are PCI-compliant and offer fraud prevention features to protect your organization and your supporters’ sensitive information.

By carefully evaluating your nonprofit’s specific needs and comparing the features, pricing, and support offered by different ecommerce platforms, you can make an informed decision and select the best solution to help you achieve your online fundraising goals.

How to choose the best eCommerce platform for your nonprofit?

When selecting an eCommerce platform for your nonprofit, several factors should be taken into account to ensure you make the right choice. First, consider your budget and the level of technical expertise available within your organization. Some platforms may require more advanced technical skills to set up and maintain, while others offer user-friendly interfaces and straightforward setup processes.

Next, evaluate the features and integrations offered by each platform. Look for tools specifically designed for nonprofits, such as donation management, fundraising campaign creation, and membership management. Ensure the platform integrates seamlessly with your existing website and other tools you rely on, such as email marketing platforms and social media networks.

Many eCommerce platforms offer discounts or special plans for nonprofit organizations. Research these options and reach out to platform providers to inquire about any nonprofit-specific support or resources they may offer. This can help you maximize your budget and access valuable guidance as you build and manage your online store.

As your nonprofit grows, your eCommerce platform should be able to scale with you. Assess each platform’s scalability and customization options to ensure it can accommodate increasing traffic and transactions without compromising performance. Look for platforms with flexible APIs and extensive app marketplaces, enabling you to tailor your online store to your specific needs.

  • Read user reviews and case studies: Gain valuable insights from other nonprofits that have used the platforms you are considering. User reviews and case studies can provide real-world examples of how each platform has helped organizations like yours achieve their online fundraising goals, as well as highlight any potential challenges or limitations to be aware of.
  • Test the platform with a free trial: Many eCommerce platforms offer free trials, allowing you to explore their features and functionality firsthand. Take advantage of these opportunities to test each platform’s ease of use, customization options, and overall fit for your nonprofit. This hands-on experience can help you make a more informed decision and ensure you select the best platform for your organization’s needs.
  • Prioritize security and compliance: When handling online transactions and donor information, security should be a top priority. Ensure the eCommerce platform you choose is PCI-compliant and offers robust security features, such as SSL certificates and fraud prevention tools. Additionally, verify that the platform complies with any industry-specific regulations or standards that apply to your nonprofit, such as GDPR or HIPAA.

What features should a nonprofit look for in an eCommerce platform?

When selecting an eCommerce platform for your nonprofit, look for features that cater specifically to the needs of mission-driven organizations. Donation and fundraising capabilities are essential, allowing you to accept one-time and recurring donations, create fundraising campaigns, and manage donor information. Shopify’s app marketplace offers a range of donation and fundraising tools to help you streamline these processes and maximize your impact.

Membership management and event registration features are also valuable for nonprofits looking to engage their supporters and build a sense of community. Platforms like Wild Apricot offer built-in tools for managing memberships, renewals, and event registrations, making it easier to keep your supporters involved and informed.

Email marketing and communication tools are crucial for staying in touch with your donors, volunteers, and members. Look for platforms that offer integrated email marketing capabilities, such as BigCommerce’s email marketing apps, which allow you to create and send targeted campaigns, newsletters, and automated messages directly from your eCommerce platform.

  • Payment gateway and shipping integrations: To ensure a smooth and secure checkout process for your supporters, choose a platform that integrates with trusted payment gateways and shipping providers. This will help you process transactions efficiently and deliver products to your supporters in a timely manner.
  • Customizable design and branding options: Your eCommerce platform should allow you to create a unique and professional online presence that aligns with your nonprofit’s mission and values. Look for platforms with customizable design options, such as WooCommerce’s extensive library of themes and plugins, enabling you to tailor your store’s appearance and functionality to your specific needs.
  • Mobile responsiveness: With more and more people accessing the internet via mobile devices, it’s important to choose an eCommerce platform that offers mobile-responsive themes and checkout processes. This ensures that your supporters can easily navigate your store and make purchases or donations from their smartphones or tablets.

How can a nonprofit integrate their eCommerce platform with other tools?

Integrating your nonprofit’s eCommerce platform with other tools can help streamline your operations, improve efficiency, and provide a better experience for your supporters. Many eCommerce platforms offer built-in integrations with popular tools like email marketing platforms, social media networks, and analytics software. These native integrations allow you to connect your online store with the tools you already use, enabling seamless data sharing and automated workflows.

If your chosen platform doesn’t offer a built-in integration with a specific tool, check for API access. APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) allow different software applications to communicate and exchange data. Platforms with robust APIs, such as BigCommerce, enable you to create custom integrations with the tools and services your nonprofit relies on, ensuring a tailored and efficient technology stack.

Third-party automation tools like Zapier and Integromat can also help you connect your eCommerce platform with hundreds of other apps and services. These tools allow you to create “Zaps” or “Scenarios” that automatically trigger actions based on specific events, such as adding a new donor to your email list when they make a purchase or updating your CRM with order information.

  • Leverage your platform’s app marketplace: Many eCommerce platforms have extensive app marketplaces or extension libraries that offer pre-built integrations with popular tools and services. Shopify’s App Store and WooCommerce’s Extension Library, for example, provide a wide range of integrations that can help you extend the functionality of your online store and connect with the tools you need to run your nonprofit effectively.
  • Consider hiring a developer: For more complex integrations or custom functionality, consider working with a developer who specializes in your chosen eCommerce platform. A skilled developer can help you create seamless integrations between your online store and the tools your nonprofit uses, ensuring that your technology stack works together smoothly and efficiently.

When evaluating eCommerce platforms for your nonprofit, consider the integration options available and how they align with your organization’s needs. A platform with a wide range of built-in integrations, robust API access, and a thriving app marketplace will provide the flexibility and extensibility you need to create a powerful and connected online presence for your nonprofit.

Frequently asked questions about eCommerce platforms for nonprofits

What is the most affordable eCommerce platform for nonprofits?

The most affordable eCommerce platform for nonprofits depends on your specific needs and budget. Some platforms, like WooCommerce, are open-source and free to use, but require you to pay for hosting, domain name, and any additional extensions or themes. Other platforms, such as Shopify and BigCommerce, offer discounted plans for nonprofits, making them more accessible for organizations with limited budgets.

When evaluating the affordability of an eCommerce platform, consider the total cost of ownership, including monthly subscription fees, transaction fees, hosting costs, and any additional expenses for extensions or integrations. Keep in mind that while some platforms may have lower upfront costs, they may require more technical expertise or resources to set up and maintain, which can impact your overall budget.

  • Research nonprofit discounts: Many eCommerce platforms offer special discounts or plans for nonprofit organizations. Reach out to platform providers directly to inquire about any nonprofit-specific pricing or support they may offer.
  • Consider long-term costs: While a platform may seem affordable initially, assess its pricing structure and scalability to ensure it remains cost-effective as your nonprofit grows. Look for platforms with transparent pricing and flexible plans that can accommodate your organization’s changing needs.
  • Factor in additional expenses: When budgeting for your eCommerce platform, don’t forget to account for additional costs such as payment gateway fees, shipping charges, and any necessary extensions or integrations. These expenses can add up, so it’s important to have a comprehensive understanding of the total cost of running your online store.

Can I accept donations through my nonprofit’s eCommerce platform?

Yes, most eCommerce platforms allow you to accept donations through your nonprofit’s online store. Many platforms offer built-in donation features or integrate with third-party donation tools, making it easy to accept one-time or recurring donations alongside your product sales.

To accept donations through your eCommerce platform, consider the following options:

  • Built-in donation features: Some platforms, like Shopify and BigCommerce, offer built-in donation capabilities that allow you to create donation products, set custom donation amounts, and manage donor information directly within your online store.
  • Third-party donation apps: If your chosen platform doesn’t offer built-in donation features, you can often find third-party donation apps or extensions in the platform’s app marketplace. These apps integrate seamlessly with your online store, enabling you to accept donations and manage donor data.
  • Standalone donation platforms: You can also integrate your eCommerce platform with standalone donation platforms, such as Donorbox or GoFundMe Charity. These platforms provide dedicated donation forms and management tools that can be embedded into your online store or linked to from your website.

When accepting donations through your eCommerce platform, ensure that you are transparent about how the funds will be used and provide donors with the necessary tax receipts and acknowledgments. Regularly communicate with your donors about the impact of their contributions and keep them engaged with your nonprofit’s mission and activities.

How do I choose between a hosted and self-hosted eCommerce platform for my nonprofit?

Choosing between a hosted and self-hosted eCommerce platform for your nonprofit depends on your organization’s technical resources, budget, and desired level of control over your online store.

Hosted eCommerce platforms, also known as Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platforms, are fully managed by the platform provider. Examples include Shopify, BigCommerce, and Wild Apricot. With a hosted platform, the provider takes care of server maintenance, security updates, and technical support, allowing you to focus on managing your online store and fundraising efforts. Hosted platforms often offer user-friendly interfaces, making it easier for nonprofits with limited technical expertise to set up and manage their online stores.

On the other hand, self-hosted eCommerce platforms, like WooCommerce and Magento, require you to manage your own hosting, security, and updates. This gives you greater control over your online store’s functionality and customization options but also requires more technical knowledge and resources to set up and maintain.

  • Assess your technical resources: If your nonprofit has limited technical expertise or IT support, a hosted platform may be the better choice. However, if you have access to developers or a strong technical team, a self-hosted platform can provide more flexibility and control.
  • Consider your budget: Hosted platforms typically charge monthly subscription fees, which can be more predictable and easier to budget for. Self-hosted platforms often have lower upfront costs but require you to pay for hosting, security, and maintenance separately.
  • Evaluate your customization needs: If you require extensive customization or unique functionality for your online store, a self-hosted platform may offer more flexibility. Hosted platforms, while offering a range of customization options, may have some limitations in terms of custom functionality or design.

Ultimately, the choice between a hosted and self-hosted eCommerce platform depends on your nonprofit’s specific needs, resources, and goals. Consider your organization’s technical capabilities, budget constraints, and desired level of control over your online store when making your decision.

Selecting the right ecommerce platform is crucial for your nonprofit’s success online. HostPapa’s powerful VPS hosting offers the reliability, speed, and support you need to ensure your chosen platform runs smoothly, allowing you to focus on what matters most—your mission. Take your nonprofit organization online with HostPapa’s powerful VPS hosting.


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